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Displaying a link to the external web page
Displaying a link to the external web page

How to import and display a link to the product page on your Shopify, Etsy or other external web sites.

Updated over a week ago

You can display a link to any web page based on your product fields in text elements in catalogs, templates or layouts with the following shortcut expression:

{{Link: Address Field or address : Field or custom text}} 

{{Link:Store Link:Name}}  will display a link with the address from Store Link field and and link text from product Name field.
{{Link:My Link}} displays a link with the address from My Link product field using the address a link text
{{Link:Site Link:Click here}} displays a link with address from Site Link product field with custom text 'Click here'.
{{}} - displays a link to with a text 'Google'

Image Link
{{Link:Store Link:Image}} - using Image field to create a link with address Store Link, see below if you want a custom image expression including size

Link Import

The URL to the product’s page on Etsy, Shopify, etc. is imported with other product information and automatically stored in Store Link field. Also, you can use your custom link (a full web address starting with http:// or https://) in any product field added to the product category.

Custom link display

To display this link in your catalog or Showroom follow the steps below.

1. Import products from your store or enter external product link into your product field.

2. Drop product text element to the designer: Catalog, Layout or Template.

3. Add a text for link, and open a text editor popup

4. Switch to the code view (HTML editing) and insert a link from the text editor toolbar with a field token {{Store Link}}. You can use the same way other product fields with links. You can use a static text or other fields for the link label.

<a href="{{Store Link}}">My Product Link</a>
<a href="{{Store Link}}">{{Name}}</a>
<a href="{{My Link}}">{{Name}}</a>

link wrapped around image with size 50x50
<a href="{{My Link}}">{{Image:50:50}}</a>

5. Switch back to the  design view and save text. The link is configured now!

If you added a link in the template or layout editor, the link will be filled once you attach a product.

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