Table of Contents (ToC) is a special page in your catalog that lists your catalog sections and products with page numbers. You can order ToC products by page number, name or code and use global or by-section product lists. In addition, you can add multiple ToC pages to your catalog.
consider building a product list instead of ToC that can reference page numbers (but no support for sections)
a master catalog ignores ToC from sub-catalogs
To add Table of Contents follow the steps below.
1. Add ToC page from the Catalog Designer by clicking on the new button at the top of the page. Add more ToC pages after the first if you have many products that do not fit into one page.
2. Prepare sections (if necessary). You need to name the first page of every section. Enter the name of the section for the first page of each section in a Page tab, leave blank for other pages of the same section.
You can assign a section level to create section hierarchy.
And now you can see these section on ToC page
NOTE: You can use section name in catalog header and footer (open Catalog Properties in Catalog Designer).
3. Configure ToC page (under Page tab of the ToC page). You can change following parameters for ToC pages:
Auto expanding ToC (recommended) - automatically add pages PDF) or scrolling (online) for product entries.
Section hierarchy style - with spaces or numbers
Page background color or image
Font color and size
Header name (Section name)
Global or regular ToC: Global ToC includes all sections and products to the end of the document, otherwise regular ToC will include only items to the next regular ToC.
Ignore products or sections
Order ToC entries by Page Number, Product Name or Code
NOTE: You can have more than one ToC pages in the catalog: Global (list all orders in the catalog), Section (list products for the section), Index (alphabetical list of products), etc.