Include your other catalogs in the master catalog. You can avoid duplicated design effort by
reusing the same catalog pages in different master catalogs
applying different settings (as a base price) to the same catalog having the same content but different pricing
NOTE: A master catalog ignores Table of Contents pages from sub catalogs. Add Table of Contents to the master catalog and it will reference sub catalog pages.
To add a sub-catalog follow steps below:
1. Click on New Page in the top left or select More Types in the right panel.
2. Select a catalog that you want to include. You can include multiple sub-catalogs
3. Included catalogs become part of the main catalog as special pages. You can
edit their settings and change a catalog to another
delete or move these pages as any regular page
A master catalog applies own settings to these sub-catalogs as a base price or theme (if you use default theme in a sub catalog).
These master settings allow you, for example, to use different pricing for the same prepared sub-catalog.