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Localize your catalogs to work with multiple languages
Localize your catalogs to work with multiple languages

How to make Showroom and catalogs public viewer translated in multiple languages

Updated over a week ago

Localize User Site

You can localize your user site interface (Showroom and catalogs) for some languages (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, German, Norwegian  and more are coming).

To set your site UI language just go to My Business page, select User Site Language and update your settings.

In addition, you can switch languages by adding parameter to url: ?lang=. You can send these links to your customers in different languages.

For example:

Language codes:

  • English – en

  • French - fr

  • German - de

  • Norwegian - no

  • Portuguese – pt

  • Russian – ru

  • Spanish – es

Localize Your Templates 

You can create multiple templates for different languages and use them in catalogs.

For example, you can add to a product category description field for French: Description_fr and use in template text with placeholder {{Description_fr}}

Localize Your order form

Use parameters to localize content in order form

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