Export you product data with selected fields and images to CSV following the steps below
1. Go to Export page
2. Select fields and choose products for export. You can filter products by category, collection or text. For example you can only export products with only their description, images, or their prices.
You can convert formatted (rich text) fields into plain text with option Export rich text fields as plain text.
3. Select image path format
Relative path - (folder / image name) in the Catalog Machine storage - e.g. Products/123.png
Absolute url - public web address of the images in the in Catalog Machine storage.
Data url - encoded image content in the string e.g. data:image/png; base64,/9j/4AAQSkZ... This option will embed image content in the CSV file to make it self-contained, but increase export file size significantly.
4. Click Export button and export file will be downloaded to your computer.
Displaying exported images in Google Docs and Excel
Google Docs
Export products to CSV with selected Image fields and Absolute url format
Open CSV in Google Sheets
Use function Image as explained here for corresponding columns: https://support.google.com/docs/answer/3093333?hl=en
Optionally hide Image column
Excel has more complex way with VBA to display an image. Read steps here https://www.extendoffice.com/documents/excel/4212-excel-insert-image-from-url.html