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Product Grids

Creating and updating catalog product grids

Updated over 10 months ago

Note: This article covers the previous version of Catalog Machine (V1). For help with the latest version (V2), see this article.

The product grid is a set of products that defines the number of products per page and allocates a template to them. Managing products as grids allow you to automatically update their fields, template design, etc. At the same time, you can produce products individually even when they are parts of a grid.

Watch a video tutorial or follow steps below to create or update your product grid:

Step 1. Go to your catalog

Select the Grid tab on the left part of the screen.

Step 2. Create a new grid

  1. Click on + New Product Grid.

  2. Select the products you want to add to the grid.

You can add all products at once or each product one by one. You can also choose a product collection you want to add.

Pay your attention to InStock products only button on the left part of the screen. Be sure it’s on if you want to include to the grid only products with quantity 1 or more. So, the list of presented products at the catalog will be automatically updated based on their availability. You should make this decision before you will add any product to the grid.

3. Click on Grids & Templates on top.

4. Select how many products per page you want to present.

5. Select the template. You can use one of the predefined templates or create your own. Click here to find out more about how to manage the templates.

6. Click Create Grid

Selected the Default template to have more flexibility with template assignments.

  • First, the system will look for the product default details template

  • If it is not assigned, a category details template will be used

  • Otherwise, a system default template is used

Grids with custom layouts

Step 3. Edit existing grid

Put the cursor into the needed grid and click on the appeared pencil icon.

All other steps are similar to creating a new grid part.

Be sure you name your grid, so you can easily find it.

Please note that a collection grid page cannot be edited directly, but a collection or template can be changed from the page settings or Grid Manager.

Grid rules

Grid will keep pages together if:

  • Grid name is the same

  • Grid template is the same

  • Grid size is the same

  • Page section name is the same

  • Products fill page completely - otherwise, the next page will become a new grid

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