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Setting up Online Ordering System
Setting up Online Ordering System

Following 3 simple steps you will know how to set up ordering, from the product uploading to receiving an email about order.

Updated over 4 years ago

Catalog Machine provides an online ordering system for your products. Once your customers select products in the catalog or the Showroom, you'll receive order notifications. You can configure your custom order fields. 

Follow three simple steps to set up an online ordering system.

Step 1. Upload Products

1.1. Upload product to the product base
1.2. Upload products, when you create a catalog
1.3. Upload products to Online Store/Showroom

Step 2. Create a Catalog or/and Create a Showroom

2.1. Catalog creation
2.2. Showroom/Online Store creation  

Step 3. Set up and View Orders

Watch video tutorial

Step 1. Upload products

Uploading products to Catalog Machine, you should remember that you create a product store base. From the product store base, you are adding products to a catalog or Showroom. 

1.1. Upload product directly to the product base 

Select Products, Create new products at the left column to upload products manually.

Another option is to import products from external platforms. Select Import at the left column (right under Products) If you have accounts on Shopify, Etsy, WooCommerce, PrestaShop, eBay or Magneto; you can import your product base from there.

Alternatively, import as a CSV file. Press CSV/Excel button and Download CSV import template. Insert your products to the form and upload it back on the website.  Be sure you are following all the formatting rules.

1.2. Upload products, when you create a catalog

If you have started from the catalog creation, you will be asked to upload products to the data base (right part of the screen). You have the same options as if you uploading products before the creation of a catalog. 

After uploading products, move them from the right (product base) to the left (what will be shown in the catalog) part of the screen. This part is similar if you have already uploaded products to the system earlier.   

You can move the products one by one, pressing Add in front of each product. Another option, you can move all products selecting Add # products on top. You can also filter products by Categories and Collections, to move a specific group of products.

1.3. Upload products when you create Online Store/Showroom

The idea is the same if you want to upload products to the Showroom.

Go to Showroom and select Add a new product to upload products manually. You can also choose one of the options beyond Import products from the statement. They were already discussed in Step 1, part 1.1.

Step 2. Create a Catalog or/and Create a Showroom

2.1. Catalog creation

To create a new catalog go to Catalogs and select New Catalog blue button on the top of the screen. You will be offered to choose a type of catalog you want to create. Choose one and don’t forget to name your catalog on top. You can easily change the name after in Catalog Settings.  

Go to Select catalog products and follow the tips discussed in Step 1, part 1.2. After finishing, click on Set up Product Grid on the top right corner. 

After you will be asked to select a Grid Size, how many products you want to present on one page. You can select one of the predefined options of set it up by yourself by selecting a number of products vertically and horizontally. 

Then chose one of the Grid Template. Point the cursor onto the desired template. You will see the pencil icon on the top right corner. Click it to create your design. 

If you don’t want to use the predefined templates, you can create a new one by clicking on the New template. 

Then select Create your catalog. 

2.2. Showroom/Online Store Creation

Showroom is the Catalog Machine’s term for Online Store. To create it go to Showroom and change the existing one or create a new one. The good news, you can create as many showrooms as you want. 

Name the Showroom and write down front page content. Choose how your products will look like (both all together at the page and each individual product when you click on it). Clearly check all the settings on the top right corner and tick those you want to apply. Be sure you have to Enable Order/Quote Requests selected. Use Public privacy options if you want Google to index your online store. Don’t forget to publish it!

Watch this video if you want to know more possible options for your Online Store Customization.

Step 3. Set up and View Orders 

Your customers can order from both Online Store/Showroom and catalogs. 

Catalogs: Go to Catalog Settings, Orders and select Enable Orders. 

Showroom: Put a tick in front of Enable Order.

Before publishing, customize your Order form and notifications based on your needs. To do this go to the Orders and Settings, top right corner. Check ‘Display Price and Total’ and ‘Enable Variants selection’ if you need it. Write Header and Footer of your Order form, plus create fields specific to your business. 

Read How to mange Orders to find out more.

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