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Product Showroom
Product Showroom

How to set up and use Product Showrooms

Updated over a week ago

Product Showroom is an automatic searchable and printable product catalog that requires minimal set up from you. 

Your visitors can

  • Search and browse your products in any way (vs. catalog page by page)

  • Download and print product PDF (lists and individual product details)

  • Subscribe to Showroom updates with RSS. 

You can

  • Automatically create a catalog using existing products and templates created for catalogs (read below about template rules).

  • Add the front page and configure navigation, price field, and privacy/access level.

  • Add multiple showrooms for specific product groups (with own privacy, front page, headers, prices, etc.). Available for PRO+ accounts

  • Add showroom custom pages with any content including your product lists.

Set up product Showroom following the steps below. Click on Showroom menu first (left sidebar)

1. Configure Showroom 

Every account has Main Showroom configured by default as Closed. Change privacy level to make it available for your visitors.


  • Public (anyone can view and search with Google and other search engines),Direct (available only with direct link)

  • Closed (for any public view)

  • Protected (only people with access code can view- Entrepreneur or higher plans only). Enter your Access Code that will be used as a password to view your Showroom. 

  • Email – (anyone who provides email can view – Entrepreneur or higher plans only). Collect showroom visitor emails: receive email alerts and use an access log to view them.


  • Use Collections for navigation (by default a category tree is used)

  • Auto collapse menu items for large navigation menu

  • Enable PDF product download

  • Enable Order Requests for the Showroom products.

  • Filter products based on the In Stock attribute in the product inventory.

  • Show social buttons for Showroom pages (Facebook, Tweeter, Pinterest)

  • Show the Front page - you can enter any content in Front Page Content box

  • Show All Products page - if hidden, you visitor will land on the Front page or first category page.

  • Product order: by Name or Rank (see Add Products section below)

  • Style: Default or Light for product lists

  • Base Price Field: select what price field to show for {{Price}} placeholder

Site Content

  • Change Default List and Details templates and their print size (for PDF download).

  • Front Page Content

  • Showroom Header displayed on top of every page except the home page.

  • Showroom Footer displayed on the bottom of any page.

Header and Footer can contain placeholders such as {{Page Number}}, {{Current Date}} or {{Page Title}}.

2. Add products to Showroom

Choose if you want to add products individually or by categories/collection.

A. Individual products

Main Showroom has all products added by default. You can remove products and change Rank (for product ordering) or override templates for individual products.

On the Product tab you can

  • Add and remove products from Showroom. Select products and use bulk update.

  • Reorder products individually or in bulk by any field

  • Override category and default templates for individual products (see template rules below). This way you create featured or special templates for selected products. 

Also, you can change for Main Showroom product Showcase status (included) and Rank on Product Edit or with CSV Import.

B. Collections / Category products

Select product categories and/or collections that you want to include in the showroom.

3. Prepare templates for Showroom

Define templates for lists (home, category pages, search) and individual product details views. You can setup printing options for each type of view.

You can edit these templates and preview with products on this screen

Template options

Turn off the Details template, if you want to display only the product list without navigating to details.

Configure the number of products per page for the List template

Template Rules

Here you can find rules how products are displayed in Showroom:

  1. Only included products are displayed in your Showroom. Main Showroom uses Showcases status.

  2. Products are ordered  by Name or by Rank defined in Showroom Properties.

  3. A Details Template is selected for the individual product page.

  4. Other pages with product lists show List Template for a product.

  5. Individual product templates can be defined in Showroom Properties on product edit.

  6. If a template is not defined for a product, a category template is selected (defined on category edit).

  7. If a template is not defined for a product and a category, a template is selected based on Default Templates below.

Category template (Main Showroom only)

You can setup a template on category level for every product belonging to this category in Main Showroom. These template will override default templates.

4. Add Multiple Showrooms (PRO+ accounts only)

You can easily add separate Showrooms with own public URL for different product groups or if you need different settings, templates, prices, descriptions, etc. You can  delete these showrooms any time.

You need to enter Name and permalink for the public URL and click Create Showroom on top.

5. Browse and test your Showroom

You can access showroom from your namespace direct link:{your namespace}/showroomor select Browse Showroom from top menu (Products | Browse Showroom).

Important: Ensure that privacy level is not Closed before sharing showroom link.

  1. Download page or selected products as PDF

  2. Order Request for selected products

  3. RSS for Showroom changes


6. Advanced

Let your visitors download product information in CSV format (supported by Excel, Google Sheets, and other spreadsheet programs).

Select what fields you want to include, toolbar label and update Showroom

Your users will see the new option in the showroom toolbar.

7. Custom Pages

Learn more about how to add Showroom Custom Pages with formatted text, images, product lists, and expressions.

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